Welcome to the Work Duty page. Here you will find the report listing all work duties currently scheduled. This can be handy when checking on your work duty, or looking for someone to switch with.
NOTE: Since this data contains contact information, we require you to login to this site. Once logged in to THIS site, you will see the Work Duty Schedule menu item appear to the left. This is a report manually generated, so check the date on it to see when last updated.
Note: The account credentials used on the above login (this site) are not necessarily the same as the ones you use for registering for a CYC sport. That is a different site altogether. See below.
You may also log into the site in which you registered for the sport and selected your work duty. That is NOT this site you are reading this information on right now, it is another site we link to and manage. If you are looking for the most current verification of YOUR scheduled work duty, it is recommended that you log into the Sports Management System site where you will find your own schedule.
Thank You!