Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Sunday, 03 March 2019 08:36

Volleyball Referee's Corner

Volleyball Referees Wanted:

Queen of All Saints Activities Association is looking for anyone wanting to become volleyball referees.  Without you, CYC sports ceases to function. 

At QAS we are committed to making your experience as an official the best that it can be.

Games will be assigned according to age and experience determined by the South County Head Official


  • Must be 12 years old by September 1 to be a Scorekeeper or Timekeeper
  • Must be 13 years old by September 1 to referee CYC games.

The process consists of the following steps:

1) Take the CYC Volleyball official’s TEST

 Find the link by clicking HERE.  

2) CYC Official's Certification

Please go to the CYC Website to find official's certification details

3) Attend CYC Officials’ meeting

Here is a link to the information about the Referee's video that you need to view.

A couple clarifications after watching the video.

  • You need to have your own CYC referee shirt and whistle.  Currently we have shirts at QAS.  Please check back here on the procedure we will use for the upcoming season
  • The backrow attack fault was not described properly in the video.  It is a fault if a backrow player attacks a ball from the front court if and only if the entire ball is above the net.  It was described properly initially that if any part of the ball is below the top of the net, it is not a fault.
4) Attend QAS Officials Training

Stay tuned for dates for this training.




Bob Bender


Last modified on Monday, 03 August 2020 18:53

This is NOT for CYC sports registrations.
